Curriculum Vitæ
Current Position
Positions Held
Grants, Honots, & Awards
Selected Publications
Conferences, Meetings & Workshops
Current Position
I am currently a senior scientistWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Institute for Advanced Simulation and the Jülich Supercomputing Center at Forschungszentrum Jülich. I do computational physics. I’m interested in developing machine learning techniques that nevertheless give exact algorithms for sampling from quantum mechanical distributions.
My full CV is available, as well as my teaching statement and stance on diversity.
Visiting a close colleague at the JSC.
I employ lattice quantum field theory theory to study few-nucleon systems and other strongly-coupled problems which must be solved numerically. My interests are quite broad; spanning neutrinoless double beta decay, fundamental symmetries, axion cosmology, two-nucleon systems from QCD, the Hubbard model and carbon nanostructures and other molecules, algorithmic improvements, and gauge/gravity duality. I am an expert in leveraging high-performance computing to make predictions. I dabble in quantum computing.
Lists below are ordered so that the most recent item is first.
- 2013 Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Maryland, College Park. Defended 8 April 2013, awarded 19 May 2013.
- 2008 S.B. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, GPA 4.8/5.0.
- 2004 Hunter College High School, with honors in mathematics and physics.
Positions Held
- Research Assistant Professor Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2019-2021.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut für Kernphysik and Institute for Advanced Simulation at Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2016-2019.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2013-2016.
- Graduate Research Assistant, Theory of Quarks, Hadrons, and Nuclei group in the Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, 2008-2013.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Waves and Beams, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT, Summer 2007.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Applied Mathematics Fluids Laboratory, MIT, Summer 2006.
Grants, Honors & Awards
I have won about 200M CPU + 10M GPU hours as PI or co-PI through the NERSC ERCAP and Jülich Supercomputing Centre JARA/VSR allocation schemes, and 1.2M core-hours (2019, 2020) on Summit and 64M on Titan through the INCITE allocations.
- Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preis for Aspects of Nuclear Physics from Lattice QCD
- Gordon Bell Award Finalist for Simulating the weak death of the neutron in a femtoscale universe with near-Exascale computing
- Honorable Mention in the 2016 Gravity Research Foundation Awards for Essays on Gravitation for A Microscopic Description of Black Hole Evaporation via Holography
- Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland, Spring 2013.
- JSA/Jefferson Lab Graduate Fellow, 2011-2012
- Departmental Fellowship 2008-2010, Physics Department, University of Maryland
- ΣΠΣ, 2008 Class at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Selected Publications
A complete list of my publications is in my CV.
You can look at my author pages on the arχiv, inspireHEP, Research Gate or Google Scholar. I try to keep my ORCID current.My Erdős number is at most 5, through Tom Cohen.
- Johann Ostmeyer, Lado Razmadze, Evan Berkowitz, Thomas Luu, and Ulf-G. Meißner. Effective theory for graphene nanoribbons with junctions. Phys. Rev. B, 109(19):195135, 2024, cond-mat.mes-hall/2401.04715
- Evan Berkowitz, Aleksey Cherman, and Theodore Jacobson. Exact lattice chiral symmetry in 2d gauge theory. hep-lat/2310.17539.
- Johann Ostmeyer, Evan Berkowitz, Stefan Krieg, Timo A. Lähde, Thomas Luu, and Carsten Urbach. The Antiferromagnetic Character of the Quantum Phase Transition in the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice. Phys. Rev. B, 104:155142, Oct 2021, cond-mat.str-el/2105.06936
- Johann Ostmeyer, Evan Berkowitz, Stefan Krieg, Timo A. Lähde, Thomas Luu, and Carsten Urbach. The Semimetal-Mott Insulator Quantum Phase Transition of the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice. Phys. Rev. B, 102:245105, Dec 2020, cond-mat.str- el/2005.11112.
- Johann Ostmeyer, Evan Berkowitz, Thomas Luu, Marcus Petschlies, and Ferenc Pittler. The Ising Model with Hybrid Monte Carlo. Computer Physics Communications, page 107978, 2019, physics.comp-ph/1912.03278.
- Jan-Lukas Wynen, Evan Berkowitz, Christopher Körber, Timo A. Lähde, and Thomas Luu. Avoiding Ergodicity Problems in Lattice Discretizations of the Hubbard Model, 2018. cond-mat.str-el/1812.09268
2018 Gordon Bell Finalist.
- Evan Berkowitz, M.A. Clark, Arjun Gambhir, Ken McElvain, Amy Nicholson, Enrico Rinaldi, Pavlos Vranas, André Walker-Loud, Chia Cheng Chang, Bálint Joó, Thorsten Kurth, Kostas Orginos. Simulating the weak death of the neutron in a femtoscale universe with near-Exascale computing. hep-lat/1810.01609.
- Amy Nicholson, Evan Berkowitz, Henry Monge-Camacho, David Brantley, N. Garron, Chia Cheng Chang, Enrico Rinaldi, M.A. Clark, Bálint Joó, Thorsten Kurth, Brian Tiburzi, Pavlos Vranas, and André Walker-Loud. Heavy Physics Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from QCD. nucl-th/1805.02634
I wrote an introduction to our work on the axial coupling; more media coverage is linked to at the bottom of that description.
- Chia Cheng Chang, Amy Nicholson, Enrico Rinaldi, Evan Berkowitz, Nicholas Garron, David A. Brantley, H. Monge-Camacho, Chris Monahan, Chris Bouchard, M.A. Clark, Bálint Joó, Thorsten Kurth, Kostas Orginos, Pavlos Vranas, and André Walker-Loud. A per-cent-level determination of the nucleon axial coupling from Quantum Chromodynamics. Nature, 2018.
- Evan Berkowitz, Christopher Körber, Stefan Krieg, Peter Labus, Timo Lähde, and Thomas Luu. Extracting the single-particle gap in Carbon nanotubes with Lattice Quantum Monte Carlo. EPJ(LATTICE2017)319, 2017. hep-lat/1710.06213.
- Christopher Körber, Evan Berkowitz, and Thomas Luu. Sampling General N-Body Interactions with Auxiliary Fields. EPL(Europhysics Letters), 119(6):60006, 2017. nucl-th/1706.06494
Covered by The Next Platform! Here's a brief description.
- Evan Berkowitz.
: Bundle Supercomputing Tasks. 2017. physics.comp-ph/1702.06122. - Evan Berkowitz, Enrico Rinaldi, Masanori Hanada, Goro Ishiki, Shinji Shimasaki, and Pavlos Vranas. Precision lattice test of the gauge/gravity duality at large N. Phys. Rev. D 94:094501, Nov 2016, hep-lat/1606.04951.
Weirdly, covered by a major Russian news outlet.
- Evan Berkowitz, Masanori Hanada, and Jonathan Maltz. A Microscopic Description of Black Hole Evaporation via Holography. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2016, hep-th/1603.03055. Honorable Mention in Gravity Research Foundation 2016 Essay Competition.
- Evan Berkowitz, Thorsten Kurth, Amy Nicholson, Bálint Joó, Enrico Rinaldi, Mark Strother, Pavlos M. Vranas, and André Walker-Loud. Two-Nucleon Higher Partial Wave Scattering from Lattice QCD. Physics Letters B, 765:285 – 292, 2017, hep-lat/1508.00886.
- Evan Berkowitz, Michael I. Buchoff, and Enrico Rinaldi. Lattice QCD Input for Axion Cosmology. Phys. Rev. D 92:034507, 2015. hep-lat/1505.07455.
Stealth Dark Matter made its way into various popular outlets, including and the Italian edition of Scientific American.
- Appelquist et alia (The LSD Collaboration). Detecing Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115:171803 2015, hep-ph/1503.04205. PRL Editor’s Suggestion.
- Appelquist et alia (The LSD Collaboration). Composite Bosonic Baryon Dark Matter on the Lattice: SU(4) Baryon Spectrum and the Effective Higgs Interaction. 2014, Phys. Rev. D, 89:094508 2014. hep-lat/1402.6656.
- Evan Berkowitz. Some Novel Phenomena at High Density. PhD thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, April 2013.
- Paulo F. Bedaque, Evan Berkowitz, and Srimoyee Sen. Thermodynamics of Nuclear Condensates and Phase Transitions in White Dwarfs. Phys. Rev. D, 89:045010 2014, astro-ph/1206.1059.
Written up in the Technology Review arXiv blog.
- Paulo F. Bedaque, Evan Berkowitz, and Aleksey Cherman. Nuclear Condensate and Helium White Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal, 749(1):5, 2012. nucl-th/1111.1343.
Only a small sampling; a full list is available on request.
- Axion Bounds from Pure Glue
- Calm Multi-Baryon Operators
- Job Management and Task Bundling
- The Nucleon Axial Charge from Lattice QCD
- Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from Lattice QCD
- Supergravity from Gauge Theory
- Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at \(m_\pi=800\)MeV
- Black Holes and Matrix Models
- Lattice QCD Input to Axion Cosmology
- Nuclear Physics from First Principles
- Scattering Observables from Finite Volumes – A Gentle Introduction to Lüscher’s Method
- Nuclear condensation of dense helium
- Vortons: Stable Vortex Loops
- Vortons at High Density
I love to teach and do not consider it to be a “distraction from research”, but rather a crucial part of doing physics that helps me clarify my understanding and allows me to spread my passion to others.
- Physics 760 - Computational Physics for masters students at the University of Bonn.
- PHYS373 - Math Methods for undergraduate physics majors, University of Maryland, 2021.
- School on Lattice Practices 2018 (Jülich), 2023 (DESY).
- Instructor, Physics 653 Seminar on Symmetries and Symmetry Breaking in Particle and Nuclear Physics, University of Bonn.
- Substitute Lecturer, Theoretical Hadron Physics at the University of Bonn, 2017.
- Substitute Lecturer, Graduate Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics, 2009-2013.
- Research Mentor for two high school students, Summer 2011.
- Teaching Assistant, Mechanics and Particle Dynamics, Spring 2009.
- Teaching Assistant, Inquiry into Physics, Spring 2009.
- Teaching Assistant, Fundamentals of Physics I, Fall 2008.
- Instructor and certifier of record: PADI Open Water Diver Course, Summer 2005.
Conferences, Meetings & Workshops
- Atomic Nuclei as Laboratories for BSM Physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy.
- Particle Physics with Neutrons at the ESS, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Particle Physics with Cold and Ultracold Neutrons, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany
- School on Lattice Practices 2018, Jülich Supercomputing Center, Jülich, Germany
- Quantum Gravity meets Lattice QFT ECT*, Trento, Italy
- XIII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland, August 1 - 6, 2018.
- LATTICE 2018, East Lansing, Michigan, July 22 - 28, 2018.
- XXII International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics(FB22), Caen France, July 9 - 13, 2018.
- Numerical Approaches to Holography, Quantum Gravity, and Cosmology, Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh, Scottland, May 21 - 24, 2018.
- Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory, and Holography, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India, January 27 - February 3, 2018.
- Technical Advances in Lattice Field Theory, CP3-Origins, Odense, Denmark, December 4-8, 2017.
- Axions at the Crossroads: QCD, Dark Matter, Astrophysics, ECT*, Trento, Italy, November 20-24, 2017.
- Computational Sciences and Reality, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany, October 4-6, 2017.
- Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay and Lattice QCD Input for Neutrinoless Double-β Decay, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle WA, July 2017.
- LATTICE 2017, Granada, Spain, June 18-24, 2017.
- OLCF User’s Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN, May 23-25, 2017.
- Matter over Antimatter: The Sakharov Conditions after 50 Years, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, May 8-12 2017.
- Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara CA, Summer 2016.
- LATTICE 2016, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, July 2016.
- Nuclear Physics from Lattice QCD INT-16-1, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle WA, Spring 2016.
- Intersections of BSM Phenomenology and QCD for New Physics Searches INT-15-3, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle WA, October 2015.
- Numerical Approaches to the Holographic Principle, Quantum Gravity and Cosmology, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, July 2015.
- LATTICE 2015, Kobe, Japan, July 2015.
- Lattice for Beyond the Standard Model Physics, LLNL, Livermore CA, April 2015.
- USQCD QUDA Workshop, Fermilab, Batavia IL, December 2014.
- 2014 SciDAC Meeting, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Washington DC, July 2014.
- LATTICE 2014
- Lattice Meets Experiment 2013: Beyond the Standard Model, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven NY, December 2013.
- Nuclear Reactions from Lattice QCD INT-13-53W, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle WA, March 2013.
- International Nuclear Physics Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, July 2010.
- National Nuclear Physics Summer School and TRIUMF Summer Institute, TRIUMF, Vancouver BC, June 2010.
- Workshop on Large N Gauge Theories, University of Maryland, College Park MD, May 2010.
- Referee, Journal of Physics B: AMO Physics, Physical Reviews B & D, JHEP, Frontiers in Nuclear Physics.
- Organizer, March for Science, Bonn, April 2017-2019.
- Organizer, Lattice for Beyond the Standard Model Physics Workshop at LLNL, April 2015.
- Volunteer, Bay Area Science Festival, 1 November 2014.
- Judge and Team Leader, Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair, 21 March 2014.
- Judge, Northern Virginia Science and Engineering Fair, Spring 2013.
- Seminar Organizer, Fall 2010
- Judge, Montgomery County Science Fair, Spring 2010.
- Volunteer, Physics is Phun, 2008-2009.
- Volunteer, Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament.