Curriculum Vitæ

Current Position
Positions Held
Grants, Honots, & Awards
Selected Publications
Conferences, Meetings & Workshops

Current Position

I am currently a senior scientistWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Institute for Advanced Simulation and the Jülich Supercomputing Center at Forschungszentrum Jülich. I do computational physics. I’m interested in developing machine learning techniques that nevertheless give exact algorithms for sampling from quantum mechanical distributions.

My full CV is available, as well as my teaching statement and stance on diversity.
Visiting a close colleague at the JSC.

I employ lattice quantum field theory theory to study few-nucleon systems and other strongly-coupled problems which must be solved numerically. My interests are quite broad; spanning neutrinoless double beta decay, fundamental symmetries, axion cosmology, two-nucleon systems from QCD, the Hubbard model and carbon nanostructures and other molecules, algorithmic improvements, and gauge/gravity duality. I am an expert in leveraging high-performance computing to make predictions. I dabble in quantum computing.

Lists below are ordered so that the most recent item is first.


Positions Held

Grants, Honors & Awards

I have won about 200M CPU + 10M GPU hours as PI or co-PI through the NERSC ERCAP and Jülich Supercomputing Centre JARA/VSR allocation schemes, and 1.2M core-hours (2019, 2020) on Summit and 64M on Titan through the INCITE allocations.

Selected Publications

A complete list of my publications is in my CV.

You can look at my author pages on the arχiv, inspireHEP, Research Gate or Google Scholar. I try to keep my ORCID current.My Erdős number is at most 5, through Tom Cohen.

2018 Gordon Bell Finalist.

I wrote an introduction to our work on the axial coupling; more media coverage is linked to at the bottom of that description.

Covered by The Next Platform! Here's a brief description.

Weirdly, covered by a major Russian news outlet.

Stealth Dark Matter made its way into various popular outlets, including and the Italian edition of Scientific American.

Written up in the Technology Review arXiv blog.


Only a small sampling; a full list is available on request.


I love to teach and do not consider it to be a “distraction from research”, but rather a crucial part of doing physics that helps me clarify my understanding and allows me to spread my passion to others.

Conferences, Meetings & Workshops


Curriculum Vitæ - {"name"=>"Evan Berkowitz", "twitter"=>"evanberkowitz", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"+1 917-692-5685", "inspire"=>"", "arxiv"=>"", "github"=>"", "linkedin"=>"", "google_scholar"=>"", "orcid"=>"", "research_gate"=>""}